Guidance on the prevailing corona situation

Guidance on the prevailing corona situation

In terms of population, there is a large number of corona infections and those who are exposed to corona infection. We are in the spread phase. Regarding the guidelines, we follow the corona guidelines of VSSHP, Uusikaupunki:

Symptoms and treatment – coronavirus

The new coronavirus causes a sudden respiratory infection. The disease can range from almost asymptomatic to severe. Symptoms may also vary as the disease progresses.

In addition, many people with more severe symptoms have had some underlying disease, such as severe heart disease. See

Symptoms may include: headache, odor or taste disturbances, runny nose, nasal congestion, cough, shortness of breath, weakness, tiredness, muscle aches, sore throat, roughness of the throat, fever, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

Based on the above symptoms alone, it is not possible to determine whether the cause of airway inflammation is coronavirus or some other virus or bacteria. Jif you think you may have coronavirus disease, perform a symptom assessment in Omaolo service,


Information is available on weekdays from the Uusikaupunki Corona Line on 02 4612 516. The phone number is available on weekdays from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.. On weekends, call 02 313 8800. In addition, you can call the Digital and population data services agency telephone service, tel. 0295 535 535 and chat for general information about the coronavirus, the corona vaccine, and advice on using the Koronavilkku app. The chat is open on weekdays from 8 am to 9 pm and on Saturdays from 9 am to 3 pm. This service does not provide health counseling.


If you have been diagnosed with a positive corona finding or have been exposed, you have been placed in quarantine. In this case, it is very important to follow the instructions and regulations given. See this page for more detailed instructions

For example, Kustavi’s Sale offers a shopping service where it is possible to order a selection of goods either online or by phone in a pre-assembled shopping bag. See more on Sale’s Facebook pages or  The shopping bag can be delivered, for example, behind a friend’s front door, and you can agree on the payment for the goods with the store.


Necessary (vital) laboratory visits of infected and severely exposed people in Uusikaupunki on weekdays at the corona testing point, have to be agreed in advance. Transportation to the testing point can be ordered via Kela Taxi 0800 130001 (the person to be transported must be protected with a mask and gloves) or by ambulance First Aid Ysikymppi, phone 050 0087 7777.


In the current situation, it is very important that everyone complies with good hand hygiene and wears a mask, and that there is a sufficient safety distance of 1-2 m. All no-mandatory contacts and appointments should be avoided until the situation calms down. It should also be noted that recipients of the corona vaccine may continue to spread the coronavirus, so good hand hygiene and mask use are recommended.